Queue N/A
In Terminal N/A
Queue N/A
In Terminal N/A
Queue N/A
In Terminal N/A
Pierce County Terminal
Queue N/A
In Terminal N/A
Washington United Terminals
Queue N/A
In Terminal N/A
- Turn Time Technology: Each truck that enters a marine terminal is required to have a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag. The tags are read throughout the marine terminal and are used to calculate turn times.
- Queue Time: The average duration in minutes between queue entry and terminal entry of trucks entering the terminal in the last 60 minutes. Refer to the orange shaded zone(s) on the terminal maps for the area included in the queue average. ‘N/A’ indicates that fewer than 20 trucks have entered the terminal in the last 60 minutes, which may be attributed to terminal closures and lunch breaks.
- In-Terminal Time: The average duration in minutes between terminal entry and exit of trucks leaving each terminal in the last 60 minutes. Refer to the teal shaded zone on the terminal maps for the area included in the in-terminal average. ‘N/A’ indicates that fewer than 20 trucks have exited the terminal in the last 60 minutes, which may be attributed to terminal closures and lunch breaks.
- Transaction Types: Turn times do not distinguish the type of truck transactions. It will include the average of all visits, including single transactions, dual transactions, and reefer transactions, which may take different amounts of time to accomplish.
- Feedback: On 4/2/2024, we implemented a new method to calculate the turn times displayed above. On 6/1/2024, we began displaying queue times in addition to in-terminal averages. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback regarding the calculations, please see the definitions above or reach out here.