Clean Water

Marine terminals at The Northwest Seaport Alliance have some of the most innovative treatment systems with the goal of cleaning stormwater before it discharges into Elliott and Commencement bays. 

Protecting Water Quality

Stormwater treatment test

The NWSA pilots new treatment systems and also custom blends treatment media systems to meet the specific discharges from an operating site. 

The Water Quality team has installed proprietary systems and engineered custom treatment systems. Examples include the West Hylebos Log Yard and a state-of-the-art Taylor Way Auto Processing Facility. 

The team also developed templates and tools to help our customers and tenants meet the complex requirements of the Industrial Stormwater General Permit, the Construction Stormwater General Permit, and the municipal permit. 

Stormwater worksheet

We created a tool to help our customers determine whether a treatment system will be effective on their property.

Download the worksheet.(Excel Worksheet)

Water Quality Resources

Training Resources

Tenant Resources

The Port strives to keep our waterways clean by preventing pollution, educating tenants, and implementing new programs and technologies to manage stormwater in an industrial setting. Learn more.