Truck Scrapping Program

Are you still operating a pre-2007 truck? We can help get you into a newer, cleaner diesel truck.

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The Northwest Seaport Alliance has partnered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to offer another round of scrap bonuses to drivers who still operate a pre-2007 engine truck at NWSA terminals. This program also applies to those who have installed an equivalent emission control device onto their truck for the Clean Truck Program.

Depending on the age of your new replacement truck, you could be eligible for up to 50% of the cost of your new truck (up to a $30,000 scrapping bonus).

How does it work?

There are 2 levels of scrap bonus, depending on the age of your replacement truck:

  • 2016 or 2017 MY replacement truck: 50% of new truck up to $20,000
  • 2018 or newer MY replacement truck: 50% of new truck up to $30,000

To participate in the NWSA Truck Scrapping Program, you must verify your eligibility for a scrap bonus BEFORE you scrap your truck. To be eligible, you must first prove that your pre-2007 engine truck has entered an NWSA terminal since 2019.

More information available here.

* This program also applies to those who have installed an equivalent emission control device onto their truck for the Clean Truck Program.

Once you receive a confirmation email from the NWSA verifying your eligibility, you will scrap your old truck at a NWSA-approved scrap yard and purchase a 2016 MY or newer replacement truck.

In order to receive your scrapping bonus, you must submit all required documents to the NWSA proving that you have correctly scrapped your truck and purchased a compliant replacement truck. If you cannot provide the documents or purchase a replacement truck, you could risk forfeiting your scrapping bonus.

You must:

  1. Own a pre-2007 truck that has entered an NWSA terminal since 2019.
  2. After you’ve been notified by the NWSA confirming your eligibility, you must:
  • Scrap your old truck at an NWSA-approved scrap yard.
  • Purchase a 2016 MY or newer replacement truck. Rebate amount will depend on the new MY.
  • Use your replacement truck to continue entering port terminals.

For more scrapping program information available here.