A message from Washington United Terminals: 

Please tell all drivers to slow down and have patience.  With construction, trucks can only turn left out of our facility and can only do so single file. We have had drivers try to go two at a time and accidents occur. The other factor is that trucks cannot turn right (North) so it causes fewer trucks to make the light. Trucks are not being patient and are cutting each other off trying to speed the process. What ends up happening is an accident which then delays everyone even more.  We have had a few accidents over the past few weeks and every single one is because someone wasn’t paying attention and tried to pull around or in front of another truck. 

These accidents are handled between the drivers and most of the time they turn in to timely insurance claims for those involved. 

Another issue is trucks leaving the RTG run cutting off trucks in line to exit. We have placed concrete barriers to separate the in and out area and trucks need to follow the flow.  If a truck is caught cutting through the inbound area they will be forced to turn around and exit correctly.

Also remind them that honking their horns does not make lines go any faster. Construction is scheduled to be North of WUT at the end of November so we have about two and a half more weeks of issues directly in front of our terminal.